Sudhanshu Tiwari
Name: Sudhanshu Tiwari
Job Role: Full Stack Web Dev
Experience: Fresher
Address: Kanpur, India
SQL 80%
Javascript 70%
C 60%
About Me
I love creating dynamic, user-friendly websites and applications. My skills include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React and Node.js. I’m constantly learning and exploring new tools and technologies to enhance my skill set.Although I’m just starting my journey in the tech world, I’m excited to tackle challenges and contribute to meaningful projects. My goal is to combine creativity with technical expertise to deliver exceptional digital experiences.
Profile: Full Stack Developer
Domain: React , Responsive Website
Education: Bachleor of Technology
Language: English , Hindi
Tools: Cloudflare , Git , Figma
Other SKills: Cloud Hosting , Github , Python
Interest: Exploring Technology